- Hooray For Honky (The
Whole Gang)
Ray Jay Jarusinski
- Dance & Sing Polka
- Going To Poland Polka
- I'm Not Crazy About
You Polka
- Show Me Your Knees
- I'm Leaving Polka
- Meadow To Meadow Polka
- Introduction of Casey
Casey Homel
- The Crown Jewel Polka
- Hop In Polka
- Hot Rod Polka
Chet Kowalkowski
- Kalina W Lesie
- Stevens Point Oberek
- Kick The Bucket Oberek
- Life In Chicago Polka
Hank Guzevich
- Boys & Girls Polka
Keith Stras
- Pretty Mary Polka
- Ej Janicku Polka
- Take Me Baby
- Promise Me Polka
- My Happiness Polka
- Pytala Sie Panienka
- Sing Along Medley
- Wanda & Stephanie
(with Keith Stras)